On the Spacetime of Auditory Sense


  • Dr. Brian Hulse College of William & Mary


Pauline Oliveros, Gilles Deleuze, Spacetime, Milieu, Individuation, Sonorous Blocks, Sense, Rhythm, Deep Listening, Encounter


This paper investigates spacetime and auditory sense in the context of the American composer and sound artist Pauline Oliveros and that of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. For both thinkers a radical empirical engagement with sensation produces a suite of concepts foreground the immanence of experience, in particular, the radical particularity of embodied encounter between bodies, spaces, and sonic events. Building the structure of encounter through primarily Deleuzian terms, disrupting sedentary binaries, affirming a sense prior to language, and tracing the conditions of sonorous becoming, a concept emerges of the spacetime of sense and sensory objects released from the control of the mediation of the Western Image of Thought.

Author Biography

Dr. Brian Hulse, College of William & Mary

Brian Hulse is a composer, teacher, and theorist specialising in the application of Deleuzian thought to music. His writing appears in Perspectives of New Music, The Deleuze and Guattari Studies Journal, Open Space Magazine, and Gamut. With Nick Nesbitt, he co-edited the volume, Sounding the Virtual: Gilles Deleuze and the Theory and Philosophy of Music, wherein his chapter ‘Thinking Musical Difference: Music Theory as Minor Science’ appears. Hulse holds degrees from the Universities of Utah, Illinois, and Harvard, and is Associate Professor of Music at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, USA.




How to Cite

Hulse, B. (2022). On the Spacetime of Auditory Sense. Journal of Music Research Online, 12. Retrieved from https://www2.jmro.org.au/index.php/main/article/view/43


